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Electra 2019

Date: March 14, 2019 to March 16, 2019
Electra 2019
Venue : Calcutta
Wipro Lighting marked it's presence in ELECTRA 2019 an event organized by CALCUTTA ELECTRIC DEALERS ASSOCIATION (CEDA). The event is one of a kind to cater the Govt. Contractors, Private Contractors, Electrical Dealers etc.

The event was a three day event from 14th March, 2019 to 16th March, 2019 where the target audience was Electrical Dealer Segment & Contractor Segment for the event therefore, the Event was graced by RITES officials, CPWD Officials, PWD Officials etc.

Wipro Lighting had strong visibility in the event as we had our exhibition stall set up at the venue, we also showcased our wide range of products to the contractors and the officials present at the event.

The event gave us the opportunity to have one to one interaction with the contractor segment who are major influencer in project business and to make brand recall we gave our brochures and catalogues to all the visitors.

It was great success for our team as we could reach out to the contractors and educate them about our products that could help them in future to reach out to that set of customers.