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Lighting for Healthcare

Best-in-class healthcare lighting solutions that conform to international standards.
Lighting for Healthcare
Lighting for Healthcare
Clarity of vision is the first thing you think about when you speak of healthcare lighting, and rightfully so.

Our team of lighting specialists have designed and developed quintessential lighting solutions for healthcare institutions that conform to international standards. Our ComfortFlip range ensures that our healthcare lighting is beneficial for both patients as well as the medical professionals. An ambient environment is what patients seek during their recovery and ComfortFlip compliments that through its glare-free nature.

Effects of light

  • Bright light is effective in elevating mood in depressed patients.
  • Improves circadian rhythm. 
  • With appropriate lighting control, significant drop in agitated and disruptive behavior is demonstrated
  • Reduce depression/Stress
  • Helps a lot to Alzheimer patients
  • Decrease rate of analgesic medication following surgery.
  • Chances of curability is more.
  • Improved sleep and weight gain among preterm infants.
Good lighting quality

  • Standard Visual Tasks to be performed
  • Visual task are the same for whole area
  • Colour distinction is required to a common extent
  • Hard Shadows must be avoided
  • Field of vision should be free from sources of glare
  • Reflection must be avoided
  • User must be particularly protected from annoying sources of glare
  • Particularly important to identify three dimensional structures of the room
  • Room should be free from dark shadows
  • There must not be any flickering light
  • Room should be illuminated uniformly
Healthcare Lighting


Improving human experience

Lighting solution designed to enhance well-being among staff and patients by using premium lighting solutions to create a pleasant, refreshing room atmosphere


Enhanced comfort

With an objective to reduce the harmful effects of Glare, Wipro Lighting introduces revolutionary anti-glare luminaire range with UGR <19.


Cost optimization

Costs play a key role in the healthcare sector. A good lighting solutions can aid convalescence, thus shortening hospital stays, which in turn results in cost savings


Disinfected ambiance

Considering current scenario, protecting your employees’ health, safety and wellness need effective methods of disinfection


Smart space

Smart & Connected lighting solution create enviornment that is secure, scalable and most importantly gives the power to select and control the lighting and ambiance

All new applications
Our Healthcare Lighting Solutions

3 Options in Lighting for Healthcare
Vision LED Prime TOCR
Trim NEO LED (10W-18W)
LL 20
Lighting Scenarios