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July 5, 2018

IoL - What does it Hold for the Future?

The lighting industry is undergoing major technological overhauls. Ever since LED lights were introduced in mass markets, the race to technological innovations in the lighting industry has accelerated beyond measure. Recently, IoT (Internet of Things) has generated much interest among governments, corporations and people. It is an ecosystem of connected physical devices or objects that are accessible over a network. The proliferation of network infrastructure across public places, homes and offices is taking place at a rapid pace. Lighting is not an exception and is successfully linked with IoT to provide new age solutions.

We at Wipro Lighting have always strived to provide innovative lighting solutions. Our smart and connected lighting solutions leverage the power of IoT and Big Data to illuminate indoor and outdoor spaces that centre around humans.

Internet of Lighting (IoL)TM is our step forward to provide new-age solutions in lighting, technology and beyond. IoLTM is a platform where lighting and technology come together to provide solutions that were previously unthought. It is our brand identity under which we provide smart lighting and its applications; designed for smart homes, smart buildings and smart cities.

Let’s take a look at what the future holds for IoLTM

1. inSyncTM - Human-Centric Lighting

An interplay of light, space and climate aimed at improving the health and well-being of the humans; human-centric lighting is the future of the lighting industry. Since human-centric lighting is an amalgamation of smart devices (microwave sensors, occupancy sensors and more), LED lights and IoT network; it can be synchronized automatically to follow daylight pattern. It can mimic daylight and variations in it, making the environment ideal for maximum performance and efficiency.

To effectively integrate human-centric lighting in public spaces, offices and homes; it is necessary to adopt solutions like IoLTM that work precisely. With IoLTM, human-centric lighting is achievable and seeks to enhance employee productivity, comfort and safety. Real-time monitoring of workspaces and performance tracking is also possible with the updated lighting system. Furthermore, IoLTM and LED lights can be set together to change the colour and intensity of light. According to research, bio-dynamic light based on human circadian rhythm improves employee concentration, alertness and boosts cognitive performance.

We at Wipro Lighting, have collaborated with Cisco for Power over Ethernet (PoE) based lighting solutions. These lighting solutions are specifically designed for smart buildings.

2. LiFi – The Future of Data Transfer

Li-Fi or ‘Light Fidelity’ uses LED lights to communicate and transmit data wirelessly between devices. It is a wireless optical networking technology that modulates the intensity of LED lights to transfer data.

Wireless data started witnessing an exponential increase in its usage ever since the boom of the internet. Li-Fi aims at using visible light for communication than the standard radio frequencies. It is a bidirectional, fully-networked technology that offers better security and higher data transmission rates. By implementing Li-Fi, the future of wireless data transfer can be more robust and reliable. It can also work to complement and enhance existing cellular and Wi-Fi networks.

We at Wipro Lighting, have partnered with pureLiFi, Scotland. This partnership has made us LiFi pioneers in India. Our solutions integrate with our LED lights and are designed to deliver high speed and secure data transmission.

3. Smart and Safe Outdoors

LED lights are semiconductor devices that make them a digital source. In most smart cities, LED lights are already playing the role of being the supporting infrastructure through which other technologies and services are provided. For instance, the concept of smart poles in outdoor LED lighting is enabling more than just illumination. Smart Poles are serving as data stations with sensors that can monitor a range of different processes and execute many functions. Weather and pollution sensing and monitoring; adaptive lighting; public address systems; smart screen for ads; monitoring parking spaces and a lot more are being done by integrating lighting and technology. IoLTM bridges the gap and brings LED lights and technology seamlessly to provide

these solutions.

Smart poles and outdoor LED lighting can enable a host of functions and work towards creating safe outdoor spaces. The role extends to more functions than mere illumination. Infrastructure such as sensors and security cameras installed on smart poles also enable better monitoring of public spaces.

IoLTM is the most promising and advanced confluence of lighting and technology. Imagining a world where LED lights can transmit data, smart poles can allocate parking spaces, street light can be turned on and off basis the sunset and sunrise, sensors can manage traffic – is no longer just a dream. A reality in the making, LED lights have come a long way since Edison’s light bulb.

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