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Sleek | Slim | Seamless
Premium lighting For Workspaces

Exposed ceilings and transparent walls for open plan offices is a concept highly advertised by many technology innovators. This trend has opened up the door to linears and other forms of suspended luminaires. The open ceiling space concept in interior design responds to people's natural need for space and freedom and also it extends on a vertical plane.

Wipro Lighting introduced OnAir which is a linear suspended edgelit luminaire with low glare light. It provides full diffused glow and excellent lighting quality, that is topped up with high uniformity and higher luminaire efficacy, UGR<19.”

Sleek | Slim | Seamless
End To End connectivity
Features and Benefits
Premium lighting for workspaces
Enhanced aesthetics and design

Sleek and seamless look with matt powder coated extruded aluminium housing and edge lit optics blends well with the modern office architectural designs

Quality of light

Combination of reflector, light guide panel and diffuser design creates perfect diffused uniform light with low glare resulting less eye fatigue and low glare


Premium look and finish with zero light leakage and hardware visible on surface

Multiple Options

Light distribution: 100% down, 70% down-30%up Optic: Standard and UGR

  • White Matt Powder Coated extruded aluminum Housing
  • No visible hardware on external surface
  • Edge lit optics derived from Reflector+ Light guide plate+ Diffuser configuration.
  • With option of diffuser with UGR<19
  • Better Light transmission and creates perfect diffusion of light
  • Provides low glare with uniform light output
  • With option of DALI dimming and Analog dimming compatiblity
  • With option of up down light: Direct / Indirect lighting
  • Provision with end to end connection for continuous row installation.
  • IS 10322 part 5/Sec 12012 comply for general purpose lighting
Electrical data
Future ready and smart
Product Variant Cat No. Light Distribution Wattage Housing Color
OnAir standard diffuser
LM44-501-XXX-57-WX Down 30 White
LM44-501-XXX57UGWX Down UGR 30 White
LM44-701-XXX-57-WX UpDown 30 White
To order luminaire:
In 4000k, replace 57 with 40 in above catalogue no.
Installation gallery
Future ready and smart


Conference Room

Conference Room

Meeting Room

Meeting Room

 Primary Workspace

Primary Workspace