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March 13, 2023

How Workplace Lighting Improves Employee Productivity?

Modern workspaces are adopting ways that help them to utilise the best of their employees’ abilities while also being sustainable and future-ready. This draws their attention towards optimising the most crucial aspect of the office: lighting. Using the right lighting technique enables businesses to minimise their energy consumption, save on bills, and create a well-lit environment for employees to thrive.

The environment around us affects our mood, creativity, and ability to perform efficiently. Similarly, the quality of lighting in offices impacts how well and efficiently the employees perform. It is linked with productivity, concentration levels, and the mood of the occupants. According to various studies, optimum levels of illumination have an enormous effect on our well-being, both physical and mental.

Fulfilling the requirement for properly lit working spaces, office LED lighting solutions are gaining immense popularity. Integrating these solutions not only provides the desired illumination but also balances the aesthetics of the space with their excellent designs.

Benefits of Good Lighting

Let us understand in detail how the quality of LED luminaires is helping businesses reap greater benefits than just energy savings.

Good Lighting Enhances Wellness

Apart from the obvious effect on eyesight, exposure to lighting at the workplace affects the health of employees in many ways. For example, a poorly-lit environment or harsh overhead lighting can cause headaches or trigger symptoms of migraine. On the other hand, optimum illumination helps in alleviating discomfort that can be caused by extended hours of work, enabling employees to work efficiently.

Good Lighting Improves Mood

Most often, this goes unnoticed, but the quality of light affects our behavior and mood. This is because our mind and body respond to illumination around us in a certain way, including the effect on the sleep/wake cycle. The incorporation of daylight in offices is emphasized to regulate circadian rhythms and boost the productivity of the employees

Good Lighting Decreases Carbon Footprints

Modern offices devote considerable efforts and attention to creating a lighting design that boosts performance while also being eco-friendly. Integrating LED commercial light fixtures helps them achieve optimum illumination that comforts the occupants and turns out to be a sustainable and cost-effective solution.

Tips for Creating Well-lit Office Spaces

Considering the effect of lighting techniques at workplaces, choosing the right type of luminaires that encourage an alert, energised, and productive workforce is pivotal. Here are a few dos and don’ts that can help you achieve optimum illumination:


  • Replace traditional luminaires with LEDs for efficient operations and quality illumination
  • Make use of layering lighting techniques for better visual impact
  • Install task lights in places where a more focused and controlled beam of light is needed
  • Incorporate natural light in the office spaces to enhance wellness and concentration
  • Ensure the cleaning and maintenance of the luminaires for optimum operations


  • Install lights that produce too much glare.
  • Use dim lights due to their adverse effects on the eyes.
  • Integrating flickering lamps near workstations.
  • Apart from these, human-centric lights are gaining popularity due to their ability to mimic natural lighting, helping occupants perform their best at work.

To wrap up...

When done in the right manner, lighting is a crucial aspect of workplaces that can help businesses achieve better workforce performance. The incorporation of natural lighting in the premises is focused on by lighting professionals, as naturally lit workplaces offer a comforting and cheerful atmosphere. Thus, the lighting design in offices is directed towards mimicking the effect of natural light as much as possible. For instance, Wipro Lighting offers businesses best-in-class commercial lighting fixtures that embrace the Human Centric Lighting design principles. These luminaires boost employee mood and productivity and ensure their good health and productivity. Choose these highly functional yet stylish LED luminaires to suit the requirements of your modern offices.

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