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December 23, 2019

Importance of Lighting in Transport Infrastructure

LED lighting solutions are known to play a key role in ensuring a safe and efficiently managed transport infrastructure. While allowing the civil authorities to save significantly on operating and maintenance costs, LED luminaires also assist in building up a secure environment. They illuminate the area uniformly for improving the visibility that eventually minimizes the risk of accidents or crashes.

According to the top LED street lighting manufacturers, the influence of technological advancements has transformed the whole lighting domain. Innovative and smart lighting solutions like adaptive lighting, smart outdoor lighting, etc. not only ensure supreme performance but also reduce the energy costs and carbon emissions.

For instance, smart and connected lighting solutions by Wipro Lighting also assist in effective space management and utilization. They support the integration of various features like performance tracking and analytic studies in the system that comprehensively helps in improving the transport infrastructure.

Here are some of the transport infrastructure verticals that can be ameliorated with smart lighting solutions:

1. Roadways and Highways

Lighting is a primary safety measure that ensures safe transit on the roads and highways. It supports road safety by flourishing uniform illumination that improves night time visibility. This eventually minimizes the risk of unfortunate accidents on the roads. Furthermore, the leading commercial lighting manufacturers believe that using LED street lights can also contribute to the development of smart and empowered cities.

2. Railways and Metros

Lighting serves as a multi-purpose tool in busy places like railway stations and metro stations. Firstly, it aids in creating an impressive and functional environment that makes the visitors feel welcomed and assists them in finding the right passages and exit points. Secondly, proper lighting ensures passenger safety and security under all circumstances. It safeguards the people against mishaps and accidents on vulnerable places like stairs, escalators, concourse areas, and ticketing counters.

3. Airports

Airports are one of the highly-developed areas that undertake complex operations. Thus, the lighting systems in airports must take multiple factors into account. According to the best LED lighting manufacturers, airport authorities are required to ensure appropriate lux levels, operational efficiency, and uniformity, along with safety and emergency aspects. Lighting experts claim that the lux requirement on the terminals can range from 150 lux to 300 lux. However, exceptions can be made in some areas due to security concerns.

Lighting not only safeguards the people but also the public property that can often be damaged by amoral forces. It helps in creating an environment that is ideal for passengers, drivers, and visitors alike.

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