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November 4, 2021

Does cold weather affect LED light performance?

With the autumn season set to end soon, all of us would be preparing our homes and offices for the winter season. People will be taking out their warm woollen clothes, quilts, and blankets from storage and will be inspecting their properties for any repairs and maintenance needs. For instance, they’ll be checking their indoor as well as outdoor lighting fixtures for any damages that may have occurred during the monsoon or fall. After all, entering the dark and gloomy winter season with an impaired LED lighting solution puts you, your family, and your property at risk. Thus, it is important to ensure a well-maintained lighting system for the winters.

Talking about lighting in winters, many people tend to have doubts about the performance of LED lighting solutions in winters. Questions like - do LED luminaires perform equally well in all seasons? Or does the winter season tend to affect the performance of LED lights during winters? etc. flood the internet as people prepare their LED lighting solution for the colder and darker months. Fortunately, we have the answer.

LED lighting solutions are the most efficient lighting solutions for commercial spaces in the world and they perform equally well throughout the year. For instance, they are one of the most durable lighting solutions that enjoy a long service life of almost 50,000 hours. 

Here are some other concerns that people have about LED lights during winters:

Do LED luminaires start-up normally in cold weather?

Many-a-times people tend to experience problems like faulty lights or light starting issues as temperature goes down. For instance, mercury-based light takes a long time to start during winters with the mercury vapour decreasing due to lowered temperatures. However, this is not the case with LED lighting solutions.

LED is a semiconductor and does not have an insulator or conductor. The free electrons in the negatively charged components transfer to space in positively charged components using the electrical energy. This means that LED lights warm-up using electricity directly.  This reliance on electronic drivers aids these efficient lighting solutions to start up normally during the cold weather.

Does cold weather affect light’s lumen levels?

Another problem that people face during winters is the lowering of the luminaire’s brightness levels. Again, LED lighting overcomes this problem in the most effective manner.

Traditional lighting devices release a lot of heat that can put stress on the bulb's driver. They heat up, and the colder ambient temperature makes the luminaire prone to malfunctioning. Fortunately, this is not the case with LEDs as they convert almost 95% of electricity into illumination and waste merely 5% as heat. This lowers the stress on the driver which eventually improves the lumen output.

Moreover, many LED lighting products from leading LED lighting manufacturers like Wipro Lighting are integrated with effective thermal management systems. They are IP rated and serve as the best lighting option for the winters. 

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